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Rudolf Kurzhammer

€55,96 €69,95
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Mario Schwimmbarth 2.0

€35,96 €39,95
Find out more about our streetwear

Streetwear: No problem for Bois and Görls
We know, you know. We all know. Our streetwear for Bois and Görls is as coveted as the next season of Stranger Things. Johnny Sweat, Elvis Pantsley and Stylor Swift are playing for you today. Probably out of sync and not perfect either. Because our streetwear first has to stick to your body. Of course we have taken care of the warm and cold season with our streetwear. Of course for the Bois and the Görls alike. So there are no problems. But let's take a closer look at current streetwear.

Should it be warm or cold?
The question reminds me of the last encounter at the bakery. What normal person eats an ice cold cheese sandwich? Before we drift off, here is a brief introduction to the current streetwear. The great Körütze for your cold Dötz makes you look like Spinelli. The Bois among you look more like Eminem from 8-Mile with the streetwear. Fits! This streetwear is available in feminine pink or hardcore black and many other colors. The Ellie Goldisch Dress is like an oversized sweater. It goes easy on you goers up to your knees. Looks great, even protects your knees and our streetwear looks really hot with thermal leggings and a pair of fresh sneakers!

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